1 KICK OFF TRAINING MEETING: Program was introduced to all employees to generate excitement and get buy in.
2 RAFFLE BEING HELD AT THE END OF THE MONTH TO WIN ATTRACTIVE PRIZES: Workers are encouraged to participate in the raffle by:
- * No involvement in any accident/injury during this month (one ticket each);
- * Picture from the field wearing full PPE while doing a maintenance activity (one extra ticket will be provided);
- * Passing a Field safety inspection done by Supervisor (one extra ticket for the raffle).
3 BUTTONS: Metallic buttons with the Gachina Logo and the phrase Safety First! were distributed. Employees have been proudly displaying on their vests.
4 SAFETY FAIR: A safety fair with ten stations was held mid month. Groups of ten rotated on each station for 15 minutes of training each. Managers set up each station and were encouraged to get audience participation. Safety training topics included:
Hedge Trimmer
Truck/Trailer/Driving conditions
Heat exhaustion/Poison Oak
Gachina is committed to Safety first! At Gachina, every month is Safety month!