Landscape Construction
Menlo Park, CA

How Does Landscape Construction Work?

What Does Landscape Construction Include?
Corporate Sector

HOAs & Multi-Family Communities

Commercial Sector


Why Choose Gachina for Landscape Construction?

Thanks for all the amazing work you and your team performs. I’ve never seen such dedication and pride in every single employee!
…with the help of Gachina we receive nothing but compliments and praise from our customers on our exquisite landscape. Our full-time landscapers take much pride in their work.
Gachina has been a trusted vendor partner for over 25 years. The primary reason is their proactive approach to service. They communicate effectively with our property management staff & tenant communities. They provide professional service, quality horticulture, value & commitment.
Our community was struggling with our last landscaping vendor and Gachina was able to rectify the situation right from the get-go. They offer professional hands-on customer service & are extremely consistent in their hard work and attention to detail.
I manage several properties throughout the Bay Area and there are few landscaping vendors who are as experienced and as efficient as Gachina. Thanks Gachina!
Working at Gachina, you feel valued and appreciated for the work you put in. This company has a great culture of teamwork, respecting diversity of all employees, investing in training, and highly promoting a safety first mentality.
Gachina is an incubator of leaders in our industry through encouragement to think outside the box, regenerative training, collaboration, and shifting our message. There are not many commercial companies willing to lead so spectacularly.
In 5 years from now, I see myself as an account manager. I like that this company gives opportunities because it can provide a career and allows me to provide for my family.
Gachina to me has been, not only a place of work, but a place of teaching, friendships, losses, and gains in many achievements in my landscape career. Our teamwork, not just in branches but as a company has helped us get through our biggest challenges to only help us perform our unique core value (Kaizen), continuously improve and grow to reach our goals as a regenerative landscape company.
Working at Gachina makes me find fulfillment in everything that I do. I am so lucky to be part of a diverse company that empowers each individual and encourages each one to be at their best.
Trabajando en Gachina, te sientes valorado y apreciado por el trabajo que realizas. Esta empresa tiene una gran cultura de trabajo en equipo, respetando la diversidad de todos los empleados, invirtiendo en capacitación y promoviendo altamente una mentalidad de seguridad primero.
Gachina es una incubadora de líderes en nuestra industria a través del estímulo para pensar fuera de la caja, capacitación regenerativa, colaboración y cambio de nuestro mensaje. No hay muchas empresas comerciales dispuestas a liderar tan espectacularmente.
Dentro de 5 años, me veo a mí mismo como gerente de cuentas. Me gusta que esta empresa brinde oportunidades porque puede proporcionar una carrera y me permite mantener a mi familia.
Gachina para mí ha sido, no solo un lugar de trabajo, sino un lugar de enseñanza, amistades, pérdidas y ganancias en muchos logros en mi carrera de jardinería. Nuestro trabajo en equipo, no solo en las sucursales sino como empresa, nos ha ayudado a superar nuestros mayores desafíos para ayudarnos a realizar nuestro valor central único (Kaizen), mejorar y crecer continuamente para alcanzar nuestras metas como una empresa de jardinería regenerativa.
Trabajar en Gachina me hace encontrar satisfacción en todo lo que hago. Tengo mucha suerte de ser parte de una compañía diversa que empodera a cada individuo y los alienta a dar lo mejor de sí mismos.
Thanks for all the amazing work you and your team performs. I’ve never seen such dedication and pride in every single employee!
…with the help of Gachina we receive nothing but compliments and praise from our customers on our exquisite landscape. Our full-time landscapers take much pride in their work.
Gachina has been a trusted vendor partner for over 25 years. The primary reason is their proactive approach to service. They communicate effectively with our property management staff & tenant communities. They provide professional service, quality horticulture, value & commitment.
I manage several properties throughout the Bay Area and there are few landscaping vendors who are as experienced and as efficient as Gachina. Thanks Gachina!
Our community was struggling with our last landscaping vendor and Gachina was able to rectify the situation right from the get-go. They offer professional hands-on customer service & are extremely consistent in their hard work and attention to detail.